Window XP
Install and Restore
1. How to Install Window XP with the help of XP bootable CD
Please perform the steps carefully to solve your problem.
1. First you must put your Windows XP CD in the drive.
Then restart your computer.
2. When it says press any key to boot from cd, Press any key on the keyboard.
3. If it doesn't ask you this then restart your computer again.
4. Go into the BIOS settings of your PC, usually by pressing the F1, F2, F10, or maybe the delete key.
5. If you are not sure watch the screen at startup and it will say, "To enter setup press...” You have to be quick and press it. If you miss it restart again. Once you are in the bios you have to change the boot options. You have to make your cd-rom the first boot option. Save and exit.
6. A blue screen will appear and you are on your way..
7. Press Enter to setup Windows XP now.
8. If there is a copy of Windows XP on your computer and you wish to overwrite it you will have to press the escape button when prompted. Do not install Windows XP in another directory unless you know what you are doing. Just overwrite the previous version, as you should have backed up your data anyway. You should also make the partition that had windows on it blue and press D to delete the partition. It will ask if you are sure.
9. Press L to confirm.
10. Then Press C to create another partition and Windows will estimate a size for you.
11. Press Enter to confirm size.
12. Then it will ask you which partition you want to install Windows on. The default is C: drive. Select this and press enter.
13. If there are no partitions it will create one for you.
Then it will ask you to format quick, normal, in fat32 0r NTFS. Fat32 suits older computers so I choose a quick format with NTFS. Quick or slow is fine. If you had errors it is better to use a slow format, which can also be known as a low level format.
From now on you just Follow the prompts and let it go..
Make sure you have your serial number ready to enter in.
2 A. Restore Steps for Windows XP.
When booting your computer, press F8 to bring up a boot menu
Select Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Select the operating system to start (if you have multiple operating systems installed)
Log on with an account that is a member of the administrators group
At the command prompt, type %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe
Press Enter
This will start the "Welcome to System Restore" screen. Go through the steps of the Wizard and follow the instructions to restore your system to a previous restore point
2 B.
To use System Restore to restore Windows XP to a previous state, follow these steps:
1. Log on to Windows as Administrator.
2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts.
3. On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next.
4. On the Select a Restore Point page, click the most recent system restore point in the On this list, click a restore point list, and then click Next.
Note A System Restore message may appear that lists configuration changes that System Restore will make. Click OK.
5. On the Confirm Restore Point Selection page, click Next. System Restore restores the previous Windows XP configuration, and then restarts the computer.
6. Log on to the computer as Administrator. The System Restore Restoration Complete page is displayed.
7. Click OK.
3. How to undo a system restoration after you perform a System Restore
You may have unintentionally restored Windows XP to a previous configuration that you do not want. To undo the restoration, follow these steps:
1. Log on to Windows as Administrator.
2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts.
3. On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Undo my last restoration, and then click Next.
Note: A System Restore message may appear that lists configuration changes that System Restore will make. Click OK.
4. On the Confirm Restoration Undo page, click Next. System Restore restores the original Windows XP configuration, and then restarts the computer.
5. Log on to the computer as Administrator. The System Restore Undo Complete page appears.
6. Click OK. You can now run System Restore again from a different restore point.
4. Starting the Windows Recovery Console from the Windows XP CD-ROM
1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your CD drive and restart your computer. If you are prompted, select any options required to start (boot) from the CD.
2. When the text-based part of Setup begins, follow the prompts. Select the repair or recover option by pressing R.
3. If you have a dual-boot or multiboot system, select the installation that you want to access from the Recovery Console.
4. When you are prompted, type the Administrator password.
5. At the command prompt, type Recovery Console commands, and then you can refer to the commands that are listed in the "Available commands within Windows Recovery Console" section.
6. At any time, you can type Help for a list of available commands.
7. At any time, you can type Help commandname for help on a specific command. For example, you can type help attrib to display the help on the attributes command.
8. At any time, you can exit Windows Recovery Console by typing Exit at the command line.
5. If you have already installed the Recovery Console.
If you have already installed the Recovery Console, you can select it during your usual Windows Startup. To run the Recovery Console:
1. During Startup, select Recovery Console from the startup options menu.
2. If you have a dual-boot or multiboot system, select the installation that you want to access from the Recovery Console.
3. When you are prompted, type the Administrator password.
4. At the command prompt, type Recovery Console commands, and then you can refer to the commands that are listed in the "Available commands within Windows Recovery Console" section.
5. At any time, you can type Help for a list of available commands.
6. At any time, you can type Help commandname for help on a specific command. For example, you can type help attrib to display the help on the attributes command.
7. At any time, you can exit Windows Recovery Console by typing Exit at the command line.
6. Disabling or enabling Windows System Restore
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Double-click System.
3. click on System Restore Tab.
4. Clikc on the Check box "Turn off System Restore on all drive"
5. Click OK.
1. After double clicking Disk not open
Please perform the following steps.
1.Open Start>>Run and type cmd and press enter. This will open a command prompt window.
On this command prompt window type the following steps.
2. Type cd\ , it will come on the root of c drove.
3. Type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf (C:\ attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf)
4. Type del autorun.inf
5. Now type d: and press enter for d: drive partition. Now repeat steps 3 and 4.
Similarly repeat step 5 for all your hard disk partition.
Please restart your system and your trouble will be fixed.
2. Exe problem
When you try to launch an application (.exe files), the following error message appears and the program does not run.
This problem occurs if the .exe file association in the registry is corrupt. Viruses generally cause this behavior; one of which is SirCam virus, which modifies the .exe file association in registry.
Please perform the following steps and check your problem
1 Open you’re “My Computer” from the desktop (or open any folder)
2 Click on the “Tool” option
3 Please select Folder Option.
4 Please click on “Files Type” tab.
5 Select (None) Drive and click on the New Button.
6 Please put .exe in the File extension
7. You have a box in that box select on “Advanced tab.”
8 You have found a pop box chose on them as “Application”.
9 Click on Ok.
10 Click on Ok.
Now you can open your all program.
3. Windows cannot open this file: MSN3.mailhost
Go to Start
Go to Run
Type regsvr32 c:\progra~1\msn\msncorefiles\mailui.dll
Hit OK
This will reinitiate the mailhost in the registry. Hope this helps someone out there.
A. Registry Editor has been disabled by the administrator.
Please perform the following steps:
1.Click on Start -> Run (or Start Search in Windows Vista).
2.Enter GPEdit.msc and then press Enter.
3.Navigate to the following location:
4.User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System
5.In the Settings pane, locate the Prevent access to registry editing tools option, and then double-click on it to open the settings dialog.
6.Select Disabled or Not Configured.
7.Click on OK button
8.Try to run RegEdit.exe, and if required (still blocking yet), restart the computer.
b. Change the Task Manager Option through the Run line
1. Click on Start, Run and type the following command exactly and press Enter
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
c. Change Task Manager through a Registry REG file
1. Click on Start, Run, and type Notepad and press Enter
2. Copy and paste the information between the dotted lines into Notepad and save it to your desktop as taskmanager.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
3. Double click on the taskmanager.reg file to enter the information into the Windows registry
d. Delete the restriction in the registry manually
1. Click on Start, Run, and type REGEDIT and press Enter
2. Navigate to the following branch
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System
3. In the right pane, find and delete the value named DisableTaskMgr
4. Close the registry editor
5. Hyperlinks do not work in Outlook Express or in Word
To fix this problem, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, type the following command in the Run dialog box, and then click OK:
regsvr32 urlmon.dll
2. Repeat step 1 for each of the following commands:
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
regsvr32 shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 browseui.dll
regsvr32 msjava.dll
7. You cannot add a printer and you receive printer spooler error messages in Windows XP
8. Your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by
Windows or other programs
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. In the navigation pane, locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
4. In the right pane, click UpperFilters. (Note: you may also see an UpperFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only. If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry. To do this, go to step 7.)
5. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
6. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
7. In the right pane, click LowerFilters. (Note If you do not see the LowerFilters registry entry, unfortunately this content cannot help you any further. Go to the "Next Steps" section for information about how you can find more solutions or more help on the Microsoft Web site.)
8. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
9. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
10. Exit Registry Editor.
11. Restart the computer.
9. Icon Text not Transparent on Desktop
1. open System from the Control Panel,
2. select the Advanced tab
3. press the Settings button under the Performance header.
4. Make sure that on the Visual Effects tab,
5. The option Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop is selected.
6. Also make sure that Smooth edges of screen fonts is checked,
7. If this still doesn't do the trick, Right-click the desktop,
8. Point to Arrange Icons By and make sure that Lock Web Items on Desktop is un-checked.
10. Computer Reboots Without Warning
This is the default behavior when Windows XP encounters a System failure. This behavior can be changed by going to the
1. Go to System applet in Control Panel,
2. Select the Advanced tab
3. Click the Settings button under the Startup and Recovery heading.
4. Under System failure, un-check Automatically restart.
11. Disable the Windows XP Prefetcher
1. Start the Registry Editor
2. Go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters
3. Double-click the EnablePrefetcher value (remember the value that EnablePrefetcher is set to!)
4. Change the Value data to 0 to disable the prefetcher
5. Close the registry editor and reboot the computer for the changes to take effect
When done troubleshooting, you can re-enable the prefetcher by changing the Value data to its original value.
0 - no prefetch
1 - prefetch applications only
2 - prefetch boot only
3 - prefetch both applications & boot (default)
Error Message
1. "Invalid Boot.ini" or "Windows could not start" error messages when you start your computer
a). Invalid Boot.ini
b). Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windows\System32\Hal.dll
To resolve this issue, start the computer from the Windows XP CD, start the Recovery Console, and then use the Bootcfg.exe tool to rebuild the Boot.ini file. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Configure the computer to start from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. Insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer.
2. When you receive the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD-ROM.
3. When you receive the "Welcome to Setup" message, press R to start the Recovery Console.
4. If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot computer, select the installation that you have to use from the Recovery Console.
5. When you are prompted, type the administrator password, and then press ENTER.
6. At the command prompt, type bootcfg /list, and then press ENTER. The entries in your current Boot.ini file appear on the screen.
7. At the command prompt, type bootcfg /rebuild, and then press ENTER. This command scans the hard disks of the computer for Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows NT installations, and then displays the results. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to add the Windows installations to the Boot.ini file.
8. For example, follow these steps to add a Windows XP installation to the Boot.ini file:
a. When you receive a message that is similar to the following message, press Y:
Total Identified Windows Installs: 1
[1] C:\Windows
Add installation to boot list? (Yes/No/All)
b. You receive a message that is similar to the following message:
Enter Load Identifier
This is the name of the operating system. When you receive this message, type the name of your operating system, and then press ENTER. This is either Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition.
c. You receive a message that is similar to the following:
Enter OS Load options
When you receive this message, type /fastdetect, and then press ENTER.
Note The instructions that appear on your screen may be different, depending on the configuration of your computer.
· Type exit, and then press ENTER to quit Recovery Console. Your computer restarts, and the updated boot list appears when you receive the "Please select the operating system to start" message.
2. "Access is Denied" error message when you try to open a folder
To resolve this issue, you must turn off Simple File Sharing, and then take ownership of the folder:
1. Turn off Simple File Sharing:
a. Click Start, and then click My Computer.
b. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
c. Under Advanced Settings, click to clear the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box, and then click OK.
2. Right-click the folder that you want to take ownership of, and then click Properties.
3. Click the Security tab, and then click OK on the Security message, if one appears.
4. Click Advanced, and then click the Owner tab.
5. In the Name list, click your user name, Administrator if you are logged in as Administrator, or click the Administrators group.
If you want to take ownership of the contents of that folder, click to select the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects check box.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Yes.
8. Click OK, and then reapply the permissions and security settings that you want for the folder and the folder contents.
3. Cannot Find a Device File That May Be Needed to Run Windows
1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe), Start\Run\regedit
2. Locate the following key in the registry:
Back up the Vshinit key, and then delete the entire key.
Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer
IE Error
1. Disable script debugging
If the only sign of a problem is the error message, and Web sites are working, you can probably ignore the error. Also, if the problem only happens on one or two Web pages, it might be a problem with those pages. If you decide to ignore the errors, you can disable script debugging.
Note If this problem occurs on more than one or two sites, do not disable script debugging. Go to method 2 now.
To turn off the Scripting Debugger in Internet Explorer 6, follow these steps:
1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2. On the Advanced tab, click to select the Disable script debugging check box. and then click OK .
To turn off notification about every script error in Internet Explorer 7, follow these steps:
1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2. On the Advanced tab, click to clear the Display a notification about every script error check box, and then click OK.
2. Verify that Active Scripting, ActiveX, and Java are not being blocked by Internet Explorer
1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab.
4. Click Default Level.
5. Click OK.
3. Remove all the temporary Internet-related files
1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Under Temporary Internet files, click Settings.
5. Click Delete Files, and then click OK.
6. Click Delete Cookies, and then click OK.
7. Under History, click Clear History, and then click Yes.
8. Click OK.
To remove all the temporary Internet-related files from your computer when you use Internet Explorer 7, follow these steps:
1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Under Browsing History, click Delete, and when you are prompted, click Yes to confirm.
5. In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, under Temporary Internet Files, click Delete Files, and when you are prompted, click Yes to confirm.
6. Under Cookies, click Delete Cookies, and when you are prompted, click Yes to confirm.
7. Under History, click Delete History, and when you are prompted, click Yes to confirm.
8. Click Close, and then click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
4. How to Remove Content Advisor Password in Internet Explorer
1) Click on the little plus sign to the left of H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
2) Continue to drill down, always clicking on the plus sign at the left of the named key, through Software, Microsoft, Windows, Current Version and Policies. I.e.
H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current/Version/Policies
3) Now click on the Ratings folder.
4) In the right pane of the RegEdit window, you'll see an icon called Key. Click on it and press Delete.
5) Next, choose Registry and then Exit to exit RegEdit. You've just deleted your original Content Advisor password.
6) Restart the computer and run Internet Explorer again.
7) Choose View and then Internet Options (or Options for version 3.x). For IE 5 or greater, Click on Tools, Internet Options.
8) Click on the Content tab and click on Disable. When asked for a password, don't enter anything; just click on OK. This will disable Content Advisor because there's no longer a password.
5. How to Fix Problems with Content Advisor Missing Information
In most cases, this problem occurs when the Ratings.pol file is damaged; follow the instructions below to fix this issue.
1) Quit Internet Explorer
2) Open My Computer, click on Tools, Folder Options
3) Click on the View tab and make sure "Show hidden files and folders" is selected, you may also want to uncheck the box next to "Hide extensions for known file types" and click Ok
4) Double click on Drive C in My Computer
5) Double click on the Windows folder and then double click on the System folder
6) Search for the file RATINGS.POL and right click on it and choose Rename. Rename it to RATINGS.OLD
7) Close out of the open Windows and then reopen Internet Explorer
8) Click on Tools, Internet Options
9) Click on the Content tab, then click on Settings
10) Type in the Supervisor password if necessary and click Ok
11) Select the Ratings options you would like and click Ok and close out of Internet Explorer
12) When you reopen Internet Explorer, everything should work.
6. Lost Content Advisor Password
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Pol...
New Sound Blaster Drivers
With the loads of problems reported by users with Soundblaster cards on Windows XP Creative has stepped up and offered drivers for at least some models of their Sound Blaster cards, but check your particular model closely. I have downloaded the SB128 drivers and my sound problems have been resolved..! So they do work.
Upgrading to Windows XP
You can upgrade a computer that runs Windows 98, 98SE, or Me to Windows XP Home Edition. Those same versions, along with Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Windows 2000 Professional, can be upgraded to Windows XP Professional.
(1).To ensure a smooth upgrade and avoid networking problems, follow these tips before starting the upgrade:
(2)Install all network cards. XP will detect them and automatically install the right drivers.
(3)Have your Internet connection available. The XP setup process will connect to a Microsoft server to download the latest setup files, including changes that have been made since XP was released.
Some programs are incompatible with XP and can cause networking problems. Un-install these programs. After the upgrade is complete and the network is working, re-install XP-compatible versions of these programs: Internet Connection Sharing, NAT, Proxy Server Anti-Virus Firewall.
Outlook Error
1. Passwords Not Saved in Outlook/Outlook Express
No matter how many times you check the Remember Password box, Outlook/Outlook Express will refuse to save passwords for your account(s). To fix:
1. Start the Registry Editor
2. Go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Protected Storage System Provider \
3. Right-click the Protected Storage System Provider key, and from the menu choose Permissions
4. On the Security tab, press the Advanced button
5. On the Permissions tab, select the Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects check box. Click Apply, and then click Yes on the Security warning dialog
6. In the Name column, ensure that the user currently logged on has Full Control access. Click OK. The following message appears:
Do you want to replace the permission on all existing subkeys within Protected Storage System Provider?
7. Click Yes
8. Double-click the Protected Storage System Provider key to expand the key, click the user subkey folder that is directly below the Protected Storage System Provider key, click Delete on the Edit menu, and then click Yes in the warning message dialog box
The user subkey folder looks similar to the following example:
Note: For every identity that you have, there may be a subkey under the Protected Storage System Provider key. To resolve this issue in all of your identities, you must delete all of the user subkeys folders under the Protected Storage System Provider key.
9. Close the registry editor
10. Log restart Windows for the changes to take effect
11. The next time you start your e-mail program, enter the password when promted and select Remember Password. This should now be retained.
System speed increment
There are different reasons by which the system was not working properly and its performance is so slow.
Disk Cleanup
For this perform the following steps-
Click on My Computer from the desktop
Right-click on drive “C”,
Click on “Properties”
Click on “General”
Click on “Disk Cleanup” tool.
The other way to do this task goes to
Go to Start
Click on Program
Click on Accessories
Click on System Tools
Click on Disk Cleanup
For this do the following tasks
Double click on the ‘My Computer’ icon on your desktop.
Right click on the “C:” drive folder.
Click on ‘Properties’
It'll open C: drives properties window.
Click on the ‘Tools tab’
Then click on ‘Check Now … tab under Error-checking section.
It'll open a small Check Disk window.
Put the checkmark next to "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"
Click ‘Start’
Then a scan will start in your system.
You can complete that scan.
When it'll get complete, again click on the ‘Check Now … tab’ under Error-checking section.
This time put the checkmark next to "Automatically fix file system errors".
Click ‘Start’
Remove any unused program
Click on “Start”.
Click on “Program”.
Click on “Control Panel”
Click on “Add Remove Programs”.
Remove any programs you no longer use.
The more programs you have on the hard drive slower your applications will load.
Delete Temporary files:-
Click on ‘Start/Run’. A box will open.
Type “%temp%” (without quotes)
A window will come showing you all temporary files.
Select all those files by pressing ‘Ctrl + A’
And after selecting, delete them by pressing DEL button
Remove any unused icons from desktop
Right click on Desktop
Click on “Properties”.
Click on “Desktop”.
Click on “Customize Desktop”.
Click on “Clean Desktop”.
It will ask for confirmation press yes.
Remove Prefetch folder regularly
1. Click on start/run. Type PREFETCH and click on OK to launch Prefetch folder.
2. Under Prefetch folder select all the files and delete them all and empty the Prefetch folder.
3. To delete all the files simply press CTRL+A keys from your keyboard to select them all and then press DELETE key to delete them all.
4. Close Prefetch Folder.
Go to Start -> Run
Type 'services.msc'.
You should get: This is a more detailed list of processes that are starting up with Windows. All those items with 'Automatic' listed next to their names are booting with Windows.
Click on the items to find out just what they do. If you decide you don't need a certain service, you can simply right-click on it and change it's properties from 'Automatic' to 'Manual'.
Using My Computer Setting
Easy enough tweak to usually find out about it on your own, but still, some of use still don't find it right away. So here it is:
1 Start.
2 Right Click on My Computer and select properties.
3 Click on the "Advanced" tab
4 See the "Performance" section?
5 Click "Settings"
6 Disable the following:
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders
Optimizing Memory Management
Right click on ‘my computer’ icon //
Click on ‘Properties’ option.
Click on ‘advanced tab’.
Click on ‘Setting Option’ in Performance Visual effects, processor scheduling, memory usage, and virtual memory
It'll open Performance option window.
Now click on ‘advanced tab’.
Now click on ‘Change option’.
Now click on ‘Custom Size’.
Now edit In Initial Size (MB) with 512.
Now edit Maximum size (MB) with 1024.
Now click on ‘Set button’.
Now click on ‘Ok’.
Now click on ‘Apply’ or ‘Ok’.
There are some of the unnecessary programs that automatically load when our system is boot. Disabling these programs will help your computer boot faster and crash less. For this we use the msconfig command
The step-by-step instructions on how to use MSCONFIG in Windows XP,
Click on Start.
Click on Run
In the open text box, type MSCONFIG
Click on Ok to launch System Configuration Utility Window.
Under that window, click on Startup tab.
Under Startup tab,
Under the Startup Item list please uncheck all the entries except your Anti virus, Spyware and Firewall entries if you are using.
Click Apply and Ok.
Restart your system.
After restart you'll get a confirmation message.
Put the check mark next to " Do not show the message again"
Click OK
Sunday, May 30, 2010
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Hi this is very good idea.
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